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Sip & Chat - A Virtual Cafe Experience


I am excited to host our 1st ever Sip & Chat virtual cafe for casual readers, book lovers, writers and authors on Sat., June 18th at 11 am EST. I'll provide the space; you will provide your drink. Deal?!

You'll be joining a private Zoom meeting room with music playing softly in the background. The discussion will be moderated and timed so that we can accommodate as many as we can in 1-hour.

Depending on how many people sign up, we may have to limit the number of speakers for each Sip & Chat date. Each speaker will have 5 mins. to share - the title & author of the book they want to highlight; a quick summary or overview; and their book rating based on their favorite drink. Is it 4 sangrias out of 5? 3 frappuccinos? 5 sweet teas? You get the pitcher (little play on words here ; )

​Whether you like mysteries, action thrillers, self-help, biographies, business, history, finance etc. - if you've read a good book - we want to hear about it! If you are an author and want to share your book - we want to hear about it!

NEW!!! Beginning in 2023, we will be hosting more virtual AND in-person Sip & Chat events throughout the year. Stay tuned! More information and how to sign up will be posted under "Events" in the coming months.



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